B64 is an easy-to-use macOS application designed to quickly convert image files to Base64 encoding. With a simple drag-and-drop operation, you can convert any image file (including formats like JPEG, PNG, GIF, etc.) into its corresponding Base64 string. This functionality is particularly useful for tasks such as embedding image data in HTML, CSS, or JavaScript, or for transmitting images over the network.

Key Features:

  • Drag-and-Drop Conversion: Simply drag an image file into the app window to automatically convert it to Base64 encoding.
  • Format Support: B64 supports common image formats, including JPEG, PNG, and GIF.
    Fast Conversion: The conversion process is quick, with no waiting time.

How to Use:

  • Open B64.
  • Drag the image file you want to convert into the app window.
  • The app will immediately generate the corresponding Base64 encoding, which you can copy and use in your projects.


  • Base64 encoding increases the size of image data, so use it judiciously, especially for large image files.
  • When using Base64-encoded images, ensure that your application or webpage supports decoding and displaying Base64 images.

If you need additional features or have other requirements, feel free to let me know, and I’ll provide more detailed descriptions or assistance!